About the project
This project is financed by EUROPEAN UNION through its Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Romania-Serbia Programme
This project is dealing with the common challenges in protection and sustainable use of main natural resources, agricultural land and water, in the cross-border region of South Banat district and Timis county. In these two regions pollution is not systematically monitored. The lack of data causes the lack of actions from direct users, authorities and resident population regarding the protection and sustainable use of natural resources.
The overall objective of the project is to establish cross-border monitoring and educational networks that will gather data by analyzing soil and water for pollution originating from intensive agriculture, as well as to share that data with users, authorities and resident population in the border areas and promote protection and sustainable use of environmental resources.
The main outputs we will produce in the project are established monitoring systems, that will be used for gathering of data on pollution (Heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides and insecticides) in the environment, a guideline book on sustainable use of natural resources, made based on the gathered data, workshops on obtained data and guidelines with users of natural resources, as well as authorities in charge of these resources, seminars on informing resident population and other target groups about obtained data and how to use the guideline book for sustainable use of environmental resources.
The resident population in the regions will benefit from this joint cross-border action, since we will obtain data on the condition of agricultural land and water bodies and consequently the food produced in the region. This will have a positive effect on the quality of food produced and consumed in the programme area.
Cooperation beyond borders.
Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Romania-Serbia Programme is financed by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II) and co-financed by the partner states in the Programme.